PC Vault is a shareware program that acts as a bank vault, or safe,
where you can keep you private information or files hidden and secure.
Everything in the vault is protected with an advanced encryption (256-bits*),
and requires a password (your password) to open the vault to access the information.
Files and file structures can be added to the vault by a simple drag
and drop operation. It is also possible to create directory structures,
add notes and password lists inside the vault. To open a file, just double click on it inside the vault. The program can be installed on your local
harddrive or copied to a USB flash disc. Using the program on a USB flash disc can be very
useful since you might want to protect your files and make sure no one can access
them even if your flash disc is lost.
* 256 bits encryptions is available for registered
users only, default is 128 bits.
PC Vault is certified to be
100% clean, no viruses, no spyware!
Buy a license for your PC Vault, and you will get full functionality with highest encryption, without disturbing message windows, for only € 5 euro!
Hint: To install the program on a USB flash disk, copy the PcVault.exe, Utilities.dll and Settings.dat file to any
folder on the USB flash disk. The PcVault.exe and Utilities.dll is installed in
the "c:\Program Files\JFJ Software\PC Vault\" directory by default. Settings.dat
can be found in "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\PcVault\" or just simply
copy an empty "Settings.dat" file to your folder